Decreased muscle mass, known medically as sarcopenia, is a common condition characterized by loss of skeletal muscle tissue, muscle strength, and function. It can happen due to aging, lack of physical activity, poor nutrition, and diseases. Some key points about decreased muscle mass:
- It begins for most people around age 30 when muscles start to atrophy and get replaced by fat and fibrous tissue. The rate of muscle loss accelerates after age 50.
- Causes include lack of exercise, malnutrition, chronic illnesses, and hormonal changes from aging. Muscle loss is a normal part of aging, but other factors can speed it up.
- Symptoms may include feeling physically weaker, fatigue, falls and injuries, weight gain despite less eating, and generally slower mobility.
- It can negatively impact quality of life and independence. Decreased muscle mass has been linked to higher risk of fractures, physical disability, longer hospital stays, and even mortality.
- Diagnosis is typically done by a physician evaluating medical history and symptoms. They may order scans or blood tests to rule out underlying illness causing muscle loss.
- Treatment focuses on exercise and nutrition. Strength training with weights can help rebuild muscle. Getting enough protein and calories in one's diet is key. Some medications may be prescribed too.
- Steps people can take to prevent decreased muscle mass include:
- Committing to regular strength training and cardio exercise
- Eating a high protein diet with healthy fats and carbs
- Staying hydrated and getting enough vitamins/minerals
- Managing chronic health conditions
- Avoiding excess alcohol intake and smoking